mixtapes for weathers and moods / music for good days and bad days

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2021. november 28., vasárnap

2021. 11. 28. 10:05 > magyarugar:MiX > FALLOW/HU:MiX # 33 válogatott szám / 3h 06m

2021. 11. 28. 10:05 > magyarugar:MiX > FALLOW/HU:MiX # 33 válogatott szám / 3h 06m Nulladik Változat, Eichinger Band, Korai Öröm, Kaltenecker Trio, After Crying, Grund, Amorf Ördögök, Tudósok, Vágtázó Halottkémek, Happy Dead Band

Z E N E  /  M U S I C 3h 06m
if you want excitement PRESS SHUFFLE!



magyarugar címke A lejátszó mindig a legújabb playlist számait játssza. / The player always plays the latest playlist tracks.

Digitális Éden 3:32
Felemelkedés 3:30
~ Murmuc 2000
Dombó Szabolcs – dob, zörejek, Fenes Tibor – gitár, ének, zörejek, Hricsovinyi Tamás – basszusgitár, Szuhaj Péter – gitár, zörejek
A Nulladik Változat egy 1989-ben alakult magyar alternatív, dark rock, illetve folk-rock együttes. A rendszerváltást követő underground zenei élet olyan szereplői mellett létezett és koncertezett különféle klubokban és fesztiválokon a zenekar, mint a The Perfect Name, a Vágtázó Halottkémek, a Sziámi, a Kispál és a Borz és a Pál Utcai Fiúk... A zenei stílust a zenekar indulásának időszakában jellemző alternatív, borongós – dark, illetve új hullámos – hangulat jellemezte, lassú és dinamikus dalok egyaránt megtalálhatók a zenekar repertoárjában. A Nulladik Változat zenéjére olyan zenekarok voltak hatással, mint a The Cure, a Joy Division és a U2. Fenes Tibor lírai, szerelemről, elidegenedésről, városi magányról szóló szövegei albumról albumra koherens érzésvilágot jelenítettek meg. Az 1990-es évek közepétől – Szuhaj Péter zenekarba kerülésével – a zenében helyenként közép-európai (magyar és balkáni) népzenei elemekkel bővültek, illetve kaptak nagyobb hangsúlyt, a dalszövegekben gyakorta ezoterikus, illetve spirituális elemek bukkantak fel. A Nulladik Változat több mint két és fél évtizedes fennállása óta, a kísérletezések – és a tagcserékkel is járó változások – révén mindvégig stílusában megújulni tudó, ugyanakkor elveiben egységes zenét játszik...

ACID 6:23
Hotel Albert 5:02
Üzenet a kertből 8:09
Lekváros funk 4:32
Bacsó Kristóf – szaxofon, Czibere József – ütőhangszerek, Eichinger Tibor – gitár, Gavallér Csaba – dob, Nagy Péter – bőgő, Schreck Ferenc – pozan, Vajdovich Árpád – basszusgitár, bőgő

Unflyable's Mix / Remix – The Unflyables 5:50
Mad Horse Mix / Remix – DJ Titusz 6:04
Tavalyi / Remix – Kalumet
~ Recycled 1998
A zenekar 1990-ben alakult ezen a néven A gyökere az 1988-ban létrejött Mike Hunter Popular zenekarból származik, melynek alapító tagjai: Kilián Zoltán (bassz), Takács Péter (gitár), Kiss Lajos Lui (dob), Pálfalvi Jenő később Erdei Imre (ének). A zenekar a nem túl népszerű 400 példányszámos kazetta megjelenés után stílust váltott, miután csatlakozott a finn származású Kuczka Kalevi (billentyű) és Jócsik János (rototam). Játszottak az akkori népszerű F.O.S és a V.H.K., ef Zámbó Happy Dead Band előzenekaraként. Garamvölgyi Béla festőművész performansz ötletei után önállóan megtöltötték az andrássyi úti Fiatal Művészek Klubját és számos akkori művész klubot. Az alakulástól végigkíséri a zenekar életét a változás, mely mind a tagok személyében, mind a zenei repertoárban megfigyelhető. A Korai egy olyan audiovizuális élményvilágként aposztrofálható, melyhez az aktuális tagok és közreműködők saját ízlését, hangulatát adva egy folyamatosan megújuló, mégis a pszichedelika gyökereiből táplálkozó performansz születik...

2021. november 26., péntek

26-11-2021 WORLD:MUSiC:MiX # 33 selected GLOBAL MUSiC tracks 2012-2021 (2h 24m)

g l o b a l  m u s i c a l   v i l l a g e
26-11-2021 WORLD:MUSiC:MiX # 33 selected GLOBAL MUSiC tracks 2012-2021 # WmW: Aziza Brahim, Gulili Mankoo, Lajkó Félix, Sally Nyolo, Angélique Kidjo, Ibeyi, Roberto Fonseca, Lula Pena, David Eugene Edwards, Alexander Hacke, Meybahar, Meridian Brothers, Rodrigo Amarante

M  U  S  I  C / WmW 2h 24m

if you want excitement PRESS SHUFFLE!




Aziza is a Saharawi from Western Sahara, born in a refugee camp in Algeria. At the age of 11 Aziza received a schoolarship to study in Cube where she spent seven years, before abandoning her studies in order to dedicate herself to music.
Aziza Brahim, Gulili Mankoo
Wilaya Blues (Aziza Brahim) 5:38
Invasores (Ljadra Mint Mabroum - Aziza Brahim) 4:56
from  Mabruk 2012
...Now she's working with her new group, Gulili Mankoo (a mix of Western Sahara music, rythms from Senegal and Blues music) in her new forthcoming record.

Often referred to as the Devil’s Violinist, the Paganini of Voivodina, or a child prodigy, once he is on stage with an instrument – be it the violin or the zither – Lajkó is capable of doing anything, of guarding his audience to a world that opens up only to those born with a special talent. Félix Lajkó handles music rather impulsively. There is no need to define the style or genre of his music, since it is exactly about the opposite: transgressing styles, accepting the inexplicable.
Csárdás / Csárdás
Mező / Field 3:02
Forgalom / Traffic 6:36
from Mező / Field 2013
”There are natural talents of music: in their hands everything turns into music - the choice of instrument does not make any difference.”
”Félix Lajkó (in Hungarian name-order Lajkó Félix) is not only an elusive master of traditional fiddle improvisation, but he is a brilliant player of the Hungarian fretted zither as well. ” fROOTS, November 1, 2013
The WMCE (World Music Charts Europe) has published its top 150 album of 2013 list. Out of 913 nominated records the new zither album of Félix Lajkó – was the leader both in August and September – called ’Field’ has ended up at the prominent 5th place!
Félix Lajkó - zither, Antal Brasnyó - viola, Michael Kurina - hammered dulcimer, Ferenc Kurina - double bass

Sally Nyolo is a Cameroonian artist who lives in Paris. Her music is inspired by the traditions of her home country. She plays bikutsi music among other genres and sometimes sings in endangered languages. She used to be a member of the group Zap Mama. She won the Radio France International World Music award in 1997, and since then her popularity has grown. She is one of the most famous singers from Cameroon.
Bidjegui 3:20
Tiger Run 4:20
Medjok 5_31
from Tiger Run 2014
Sally Nyolo's second Riverboat Records album is inspired by the moment before a tiger attacks - hushed in the long grass, senses alert, eyes wide, ears pricked, quiet purr, humming low. The title track 'Tiger Run' simmers with a musical mood akin to this idea: listen out for gently warping guitars, feather-light percussion and Sally's demure husky vocal. The tiger cat acts as a totem throughout Tiger Run, flexing its claws as the main source of inspiration. In conversation Sally Nyolo credits the animal for guiding her to compose music that strives toward a sense of power infused with lightness and agility... 
Sally Nyolo's Tiger Run is poised to pounce and sink its slinking rhythms deep into your skin. Listen as the tiger's daughter dances close, marking her musical territory, and singing out at her creative zenith.

2021. november 15., hétfő

15-11-2011 JAZZ.MiX # 33 jazz tracks on the the JAZZ_line 2015-2021 (3h 22m)

15-11-2011 JAZZ.MiX # 33 jazz tracks on the the JAZZ_line 2015-2021 (3h 22m)# Stanley Clarke, Bireli Lagrène, Jean-Luc Ponty, Mike Dillon, Tobias Meinhart, Wolfgang Muthspiel, Antonio Sanchez, Mary Halvorson, Makaya McCraven, Wildflower, Todd Marcus, Muriel Grossmann, Mike Dillon, Ron Miles, Bremer/McCoy, Kurt Elling, Charlie Hunter

J A Z Z   M U S I C (3h 22m)

if you want excitement PRESS SHUFFLE!

.JAZZ_line on deezer

JAZZ_line  The player always plays the latest playlist tracks. / A lejátszó mindig a legújabb playlist számait játssza.

Blue Train (John Coltrane) 6:15
Mercy, Mercy, Mercy (Joe Zawinul) 6:33
from D-Stringz 2015
The occasion for this trio to work together was a 2010 concert that celebrated violinist Jean-Luc Ponty's 50th anniversary as a recording artist. Both the violinist and Stanley Clarke had collaborated before (a previous electric trio set with Al Di Meola, The Rite of Strings was issued in 1995), but neither had collaborated with French jazz guitarist Biréli Lagrène prior to that evening...

Vibraphonist, percussionist, and songwriter Mike Dillon is an eclectic, highly adventurous musician with a sound steeped in post-bop jazz, funk, and avant-garde rock. Drawing upon such wide-ranging influences as Harry Partch, Thelonious Monk, Tom Waits, and Frank Zappa...
Half Right 3:51
Christian Brothers 5:20
Bachelor Pad 3:24
As idiosyncratic as Mike Dillon's work has been with Critters Buggin' and Garage a Trois, it's well-nigh impossible not to fall under the spell of the music he creates all by himself on Functioning Broke. A deep dream-like quality emanates from his musicianship, most resonant in the warm glow of vibes that open "Half Right" and continues virtually unabated... Mike Dillon played all the instruments here himself, a total of eleven according to the credits. Nevertheless, he restrains himself from becoming too busy on a number like "Christian Brothers:" by the self-discipline that allows the ethereal tones of vibes, marimba, xylophone and bells, among others, to sustain and hang in the air until followed by the next instrumental sound... so as much as Functioning Brokesuspends the passage of time for those who hear the album, it'd seem Mike Dillon too is caught up in the spirit of the moment(s),

A gifted German-born saxophonist, Tobias Meinhart plays harmonically sophisticated post-bop jazz. He first garnered attention performing in Europe in the mid-2000s, and gained wider recognition following his move to New York in 2010. He has played often with trumpeter Ingrid Jensen, with whom he recorded 2015's Natural Perception and 2017's Silent Dreamer.
Fighting Your Fears 5:37
Silent Dreamer 5:51
Ghost Gardens 6:54
from Silent Dreamer 2017
...Tobias Meinhart  had racked up a host of awards in Europe before moving to the United States to study with some of New York's top saxophonists. He now resides in Brooklyn and works with a variety of groups. His fourth album, "Silent Dreamer," is not only a vehicle for his bold tenor style, it's also a showcase for his adventurous compositions and gorgeous arrangements.
The album is also brimming with superb solos and group playing by some familiar players, like trumpeter Ingrid Jensen and bassist Orlando Le Fleming, and some less familiar but equally powerful musicians. Yago Vazquez is excellent on piano, and Justin Carroll makes the synthesizer wail. Charles Altura crosses over into rock-fusion territory on every guitar solo, and Phil Donkin and Jesse Simpson are a formidable rhythm section on acoustic and electric bass and powerhouse drums.